Public continues to visit Royal Crematorium


Bangkok – More than 900,000 people have visited the royal crematorium of His Majesty the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej at Sanam Luang since the beginning of the month.

Large crowds could be seen waiting to enter the royal funeral venue at Sanam Luang on Thursday. Many people revealed that they have visited the crematorium several times, while for some it was their first visit. All said they felt pride and gratitude towards His Majesty the late King for his commitment to the Thai people.

Police, soldiers and volunteers were stationed at the venue throughout the day to provide visitors with information about the royal crematorium, accommodate their needs, and ensure their safety. Many people expressed interest in the rice demonstration field located next to the royal crematorium. Volunteers have been working tirelessly to keep insects and birds away from the blooming rice plants.

Visitors are urged to enter the royal funeral venue at the entrance near Lukhun Pavilion. They will get to learn more about the ceremony and His Majesty the late King’s achievements during his lifetime at an exhibition held inside the Phra Thinang Songtham Pavilion.