Quakes cause more damage in Chiang Rai


CHIANG RAI, July 16 — Houses were damaged in three recent earthquakes in Thailand’s northernmost province of Chiang Rai, including the latest one with a magnitude of 4.3 on the Richter scale last night.

Local officials found cracks at many houses in Ban San Kan Haew village of Mae Lao district. The 4.3 quake happened at about 8.30pm last night.

Villagers reported damage to three houses. Over 80 houses in the village were damaged in the May 5 earthquake of the 6.3 magnitude with its center being detected in Chiang Rai.

Local people are frightened by aftershocks that keep happening two or three times daily. They live in fear and must leave their doors open around the clock so that they can run for life right when a quake begins.

Meanwhile, people in adjacent Chiang Mai province are watching for possible runoffs and landslides due to persistent rains. The Meteorological Department issued advance warnings predicting heavy rains in the North.