Rajabhat Uni to integrate budget and curriculum with local institutions


BANGKOK, 22 August 2011  – Education Minister Woravat Auapinyakul has tasked affiliates to Rajabhat University nationwide to integrate their teaching and learning management with local education units in an effort to uplift Thai education. 

Speaking after a meeting with campus rectors of Rajabhat University nationwide, the minister told the press that all affiliates to Rajabhat University scattering across the country are regarded as local universities; therefore, he assigned those rectors to integrate their university’s education with local institutes.

Mr Woravat explained that the integration includes budgets, curriculums and other aspects to uplift the educational standard in each province. He said the rectors have shown readiness to comply with the policy.

As for the production of teachers, the minister responded that he has not specified timeframe for teacher production, but he wants to see teachers who have the ability to produce compatible students for the job market.

Mr Woravat also noted that he will open more chance to people with knowledge and experience but have no teaching degrees to perform as teachers.

The minister added that he has assigned Office of the Higher Education Commission Secretary-General Dr Sumate Yaemnoon to look into ways to revive the Income Contingent Loan (ICL) scheme, which is expected to commence again in the 2012 academic year.