Ranong to lay out measures to prevent border trespassing


RANONG, 6 July 2012 -Deputy Governor of Ranong province Sub- Lieutenant Pattawee Paratkajariya explained in his statement that 70 arrested Thai people, who are now in Myanmar, were lied to by an investor that they could grow rubber trees in the forbidden area.

The Deputy Governor said farmers from Krabi, Chumporn and Surathani provinces were convinced that the Burmese authority had agreed to let them grow rubber trees in areas that are on the border of Thailand and Myanmar.

According to the Deputy Governor, they were told by a man, who they said was their investor, that they had been given permission to plough the areas to pave the way for rubber tree farming.

He further stated that the heavy machinery brought in by the farmers added to the border problem. The local residents of Pakjan district, which is where Thai nationals were arrested, are well aware that the adjacent space is the borderline between the two countries.

He said later that a short-term solution will be applied to prevent any more Thais trespassing into Myanmar, while a long term plan is also expected to be formulated to address the issue. Related agencies have been told to keep their eyes on any activities near the Thai-Burmese border in Kraburi district, Baanaikrang community since they are likely to trigger a border dispute.

Sub-Lieutenant Pattawee has advised local residents not to believe anyone who claims the areas along the border are up for grabs. Should anyone suspect any movements along the border, please contact the authority immediately.