Rayong launches Russian language training for tourism personnel


RAYONG – Rayong province has begun a Russian language training program for employees of the tourism industry, in a bid to further develop their skills ahead of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).

The Governor of Rayong, Somsak Suwansujarit presided over the opening ceremony of the training session. The event, organized by the Rayong Provincial Office and the Rayong Provincial Office of Tourism and Sports, aims to further develop the skills and knowledge of hotel, resort, restaurant, and tourist attraction site employees. The training is also aimed at developing personnel to meet service, communication, and management standards.

The program is in accordance with the government’s goal to boost income from the tourism sector, as Thailand heads towards the AEC, due to begin at the end of the year.

Deputy Governor Somsak said Russian tourists have been steadily coming to the province, with many unable to speak English. Therefore training in the Russian language is crucial for guides and other personnel in the tourism industry. At least 50 people participated in the initial training session.