Rights group demands returning controversial TV series to air


BANGKOK, Jan 8 – The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) was told today to order TV Channel 3 to air the controversial soap opera Nua Mek 2, suspended since last Friday.

Petitioning the NBTC, Srisuwan Chanya, secretary general of the Thai Constitution Protection Association, said banning the TV series infringed on the people’s right to information as stipulated in the constitution, The petition said the content of the show did not breach the 2008 National Broadcasting Act as claimed by Channel 3.

The group demanded that NBTC order Channel 3 to re-broadcast Nua Mek 2 in its original time slot without editing to compensate Thai viewers for its infringement.

NBTC was also told to empanel a committee to determine which parts of the series  allegedly violate Article 37 of the National Broadcasting Act, and make public its decision, and take legal action against those who violate viewers’ and consumers’ rights and freedom by revoking Channel 3’s licence.

He demanded that the NBTC complete its investigation of the case in seven days, and that the group will petition the Administrative Court if the NBTC fails to announce its findings.

Commission vice chairman Natee Sukonrat said an investigation will be conducted in accord with the required procedure.