RTP give overview of accidents during Songkran and Leave the House with Police Project


BANGKOK, 17 April 2014 – Royal Thai Police have given an overview of accidents occurring during Songkran, and the operation of the Leave the House with Police Project. 

Police Major General Anucha Rommayanant, the Deputy Spokesperson of the Royal Thai Police, said during the Songkran Festival from April 11- 15, the number of road deaths decreased. However, the number of accidents increased. The major cause was still drunkenness and driving faster than the speed limit. An astounding 80 percent of accidents still involved motorcycles. Most accidents occurred between 4-8 p.m. The police arrested over 520,000 offenders in total, for drunkenness or not wearing helmets.

There were a total of 4,358 houses nationwide joining the Leave the House with Police Project. There were no reports of any of these houses being broken into. From April 1-10, 9,800 individuals accused under outstanding warrants were arrested. Most cases were related to robbery.

The Commissioner-General thanked all police nationwide for performing their duty during the Songkran Festival to help maintain order. He also instructed the police to closely monitor political developments after the Songkran Festival and beware of any confrontation of the masses.