Siam Bioscience will deliver AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine on time

The company is in the process of sending samples of the vaccines it produced to several laboratories in Europe and the United States for quality and safety inspection.

Siam Bioscience Co is confident that it will be able to deliver the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines to the government in July as planned.

The company is in the process of sending samples of the vaccines it produced to several laboratories in Europe and the United States for quality and safety inspection.

Once the samples are approved by the labs, they will be sent to AstraZeneca, which will then register the vaccine with the Thai Food and Drug Administration (FDA). After getting FDA’s approval, Siam Bioscience will ramp up the production of the vaccines for using domestically.

Siam Bioscience said its plant is capable of producing vaccines at almost the same rate as other manufacturers in Australia and South Korea, as they use the same technology from AstraZeneca. (NNT)