Social Development Ministry calls meeting on beggar control


BANGKOK – The Ministry of Social Development and Human Security has called a meeting with related officials on its draft beggar control strategy for the next five years.

The meeting, chaired by Social Development and Human Security Minister Pol Gen Adul Saengsingkaew, saw the attendees agree on the draft beggar control strategy for 2018-2022 which involves public participation in solving the problem of street beggars. The five-year plan separates panhandlers from street performers so as to reduce public nuisance and promote job opportunities.

So far, the ministry has issued permits to more than 1,500 independent musicians, dancers, and painters. Its multi-disciplinary teams are offering funding and other assistance to have mendicants engage in job training so that they can rely on themselves. Communities are encouraged to help address panhandling and watch out for human trafficking.

The government will stage a campaign educating the general public on how to help vagrants in a constructive manner while improving its database to enable local agencies to handle the problems more efficiently.