Songkran festival kicks off in Chiang Mai amid hot summer weather

Locals and tourists splashed water at one another amid hot summer weather as the Songkran Festival began in the northern province of Chiang Mai.

Locals and tourists splashed water at one another amid hot summer weather as the Songkran Festival began in the northern province of Chiang Mai.

Chiang Mai residents came out to throw water at one another and bar workers on Kachasarn and Loy Kroh roads in the provincial seat placed 200-litre water tanks in front of the premises for water fight. High pressure water guns were sold by hawkers to foreign tourists at the beer bars.

Some tourists travelled around the city by Tuk Tuk tricycles to enjoy water splashing. It is expected that celebrants will flock to join water fight along the city’s moat this afternoon. (TNA)

Chiang Mai residents came out to throw water at one another and bar workers on Kachasarn and Loy Kroh roads in the provincial seat placed 200-litre water tanks in front of the premises for water fight.

High pressure water guns were sold by hawkers to foreign tourists at the beer bars.

It is expected that celebrants will flock to join water fight along the city’s moat this afternoon.