Special Report: NCPO’s handling of migrant workers in line with international standards


Thailand’s policy on the management of migrant workers is in accordance with international standards and conducted with humane treatment, in cooperation with its neighboring countries. 

Speaking after a meeting of the Policy Committee on Alien Workers, Supreme Commander and Deputy Head of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) General Tanasak Patimapragorn stated that the problem concerning migrant workers, mostly coming from neighboring countries, has existed for more than ten years.

It is an issue which involves seven ministries and more than twelve laws. After the takeover of national administration by the NCPO, the Head of the NCPO has underlined his policy to integrate work of relevant agencies for greater efficiency and unified operation.

In the initial stage, General Tanasak said, the NCPO is placing first priority to the suppression of activities involving forced labor, child labor, or those leading to human trafficking. The NCPO will seriously enforce and enact laws and regulations to control and intercept such unlawful activities in line with international standards.

He said while the NCPO was considering fair and just measures which would be soon introduced, business operators are requested to control and look after their workers in an orderly and appropriate manner.

As for cases of corruption, he said all parties involved in such wrongdoing would be seriously dealt with while pending cases would be expedited for immediate results.

General Tanasak said that measures in a bigger picture would be introduced gradually, in accordance with international standards and humanitarian principles.

He also pointed out that the upcoming measures regarding the management of migrant workers would be reasonable and well suited to the reality and everyday life. More importantly, the measures will be beneficial to the country, its economic system, and good for business operators and workers alike. Both the employers and migrant workers will be treated with fairness, leading to national stability and long term development of the country.