Special report: Sports Education Given a Major Boost in the Southern Border Provinces


Bangkok, 18 February 2015 – The Government is giving a major boost to sports education, as part of its educational strategies for educational management in the southern border provinces.

In response to this policy, the Ministry of Education has selected Srinagarindra the Princess Mother School, Yala, as the school for the science-sports program in the deep South of Thailand. The Office of the Basic Education Commission will supervise the program.

Deputy Education Minister General Surachet Chaiwong said that this special program is included in the science curriculum and is intended to promote both academic and sports development for excellence among children and youths in the deep South.

The program will be opened for schoolchildren living in Pattani, Yala, Narathiwat, and four districts of Songkhla (Chana, Thepha, Na Thawi, and Saba Yoi), who wish to continue their studies at Matthayom 4 of upper secondary schooling. It will admit 80 students in the 2015 academic year. In the initial stage, five sports, namely football, volleyball, pencak silat, Muay Thai (Thai boxing), and sepak takraw, will be taught. Before the launching of the science-sports program, a summer sports competition will be held between March 28 and May 2, 2015, under the Sports Education Development Plan for the Southern Border Provinces.

General Surachet said that the Ministry of Education’s policy on education in the deep South involves many areas, such as the development of the quality of education, support for educational activities, the development of teachers and educational administrators, knowledge management toward ASEAN, and educational management in response to local needs.

Meanwhile, Secretary-General of the Office of the Non-Formal and Informal Education Karoon Sakulpradit on 10 February 2015 made an inspection of the deep South to follow up on the progress of the implementation of the science-sports program. He said, “The Office of the Non-Formal and Informal Education has selected ‘football’ as an elective subject for its students. We consider that sports education is one of the best choices and southern residents love sports, as well.”

Exercising and playing sports on a regular basis are considered effective ways to develop citizens by keeping them physically fit, along with instilling a sense of self-discipline. It is believed that sports will encourage young people to spend time fruitfully, promote unity among them, and prevent them from being misled by harmful influences.

Sports development for professional athletes would also be promoted in a long-term plan for educational management to provide greater opportunities for young people in the southern border provinces.