Summer storm topples trees, power poles


Several homes severely damaged

A seasonal summer storm struck parts of Chiang Mai in the evening of May 17, 2016 at around 9 p.m. toppling trees and power poles, causing road closures and power outages. The Nong Hoi area and Saraphi were struck hard by the storm with one home in Saraphi destroyed when an old tree believed to be about 100 years old fell onto the home during the storm.

Several of the ancient Yang Na trees along the Old Chiang Mai – Lamphun Road were damaged or fell completely into the road. The Yang Na trees line the road until the Lamphun border and were planted over a hundred years ago, around 1882.

An ancient Yang Na tree was toppled during the summer storm on the Old Chiang Mai – Lamphun Road in the evening of May 17, 2016.

Several homes and vehicles were severely damaged by falling trees and power poles, which also caused a major power outage for parts of the city and the area outside. The road is closed for clean-up and so far government workers have found 26 downed power poles as well as trees. Further surveys expect to find more and work crews are around the city clearing streets and restoring power poles.

Cars were damaged and destroyed by falling trees and power poles during the summer storm that struck around 9 p.m. in the Muang and Saraphi Districts.

Homes and shops were damaged by falling power poles and trees in the storm.

In the light of day the damage was found to be extensive in certain areas of the city, Nong Hoi in Muang District and Saraphi were hit the hardest.

Estimates are now at around 26 power poles down in the city, many damaging vehicles and homes.

The Old Chiang Mai – Lamphun road was the scene of extensive damage from falling trees and branches, this old tree split in half in the winds.