The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is promoting 2023 as the year for Thai tourism, while also taking initiatives to increase sustainability in the tourism industry. The TAT is also working to foster a new tourism ecosystem that caters to high-quality tourists.
Most recently, the TAT signed a cooperation agreement for “Net Zero Tourism” with the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO), marking the starting point for the two organizations’ collaboration on sustainable tourism development.
TAT Governor Yuthasak Supasorn said his agency will perform the role of promoting activities to market and publicize the “Net Zero Tourism” concept, which would further contribute to sustainable tourism. Said activities would stimulate recognition among tourists, tourism businesses and stakeholders in the tourism industry both in Thailand and abroad.
The TGO will meanwhile provide academic support and promote climate change awareness via workshops and seminars held jointly with the TAT, with the aim of developing low-carbon tourism into net-zero tourism.
TGO also aims to promote the use of carbon footprint calculating tools among tourism firms to determine carbon figures and carbon offset amounts, as they participate in voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction programs.
This is expected to improve tourism sector competitiveness and enable all players in the industry to adopt responsible tourism trends. (NNT)