Thai and Cambodian Buddhists offer alms to monks along Chanthaburi – Phratabong border


CHANTHABURI, 28 July 2015, Thai and Cambodian Buddhists yesterday offered alms to 105 monks along the Chanthaburi – Phratabong border ahead of Asanha Bucha Day and Buddhist Lent Day at the end of this month. The event helps tightening the bonds between the people of both nations.

The 105 monks participating the event were from both Thailand and Cambodia. The event was organized at the permanent check point in Pong Nam Ron District.


The Thai – Cambodian annual alms-offering event, held right before the Buddhist Lent Day, gives an opportunity for the locals from both countries living along the border area to engage in religious activities together.

More importantly, the event forges stronger ties between the residents of the two nations, welcoming the arrival of ASEAN Economic Community at the end of this year.