Thai anti-graft panel axes MP for forest encroachment

The National Anti-Corruption Commission blamed Ratchaburi MP Pareena Kraikupt for serious misconduct for encroaching on 711 rai of forestland.

BANGKOK – The National Anti-Corruption Commission blamed Ratchaburi MP Pareena Kraikupt for serious misconduct for encroaching on 711 rai of forestland.

Niwatchai Kasemmongkol, deputy secretary-general of the NACC, said the commission found the wrongdoing with Ms Pareena and would ask the Supreme Court to punish her.

The anti-graft panel put the blame in response to the complaint from the Royal Forest Department that Ms Pareena encroached on public land in Chom Bung district of Ratchaburi, the province she represents. The department estimated the damage to natural resources and the environment concerning the case at 36.22 million baht.

Niwatchai Kasemmongkol, deputy secretary-general of the NACC, said the commission found the wrongdoing with Ms Pareena and would ask the Supreme Court to punish her.

If the Supreme Court accepts the panel’s petition, Ms Pareena must stop her roles as an MP right away. The panel was expected to send the matter to the court within 30 days.

Section 235 of the Constitution authorizes the NACC to press a charge of gross misconduct against holders of political positions. They would lose their positions and be banned from politics from the day their positions are suspended. (TNA)