Thai FDA latest guidelines on importing health products for personal use

The effort is part of Thailand’s commitment to maintaining high health standards while welcoming international visitors.

BANGKOK, Thailand – The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) advises travelers to review the latest guidelines from the on importing health products for personal use.

Carrying Health Products into Thailand


-A 30-day supply for personal use is allowed in original packaging with clear labels. Controlled substances require a prescription or doctor’s letter.


-Maximum of 3 pieces per item and 15 items in total are permitted.

-Food Items

Up to 10 kg/liters of food for personal use is allowed.

-Medical Devices

Allowed in necessary quantities with documentation if required.

Importing Health Products into Thailand by Mail

Items such as food, cosmetics, and medical devices must comply with personal-use restrictions and Thai import laws. Some hazardous substances require prior notification or permits.

Narcotics and Psychotropic Medications

-A 30-day supply is allowed with a prescription.

-For larger amounts (up to 90 days), FDA approval (Form IC-2) is required at least 15 days before travel.

This effort is part of Thailand’s commitment to maintaining high health standards while welcoming international visitors. These measures ensures tourists a safe and enjoyable journey, assured of their compliance with Thailand’s health and safety regulations.

More details are available in English on the FDA’s official website:…/bringing-of-health…/  (PRD)