Thai government introduces changes to streamline criminal record check process

The website offers services such as verifying eligibility under the “Erase Records, Clear Crimes, Restore Life” project, targeting individuals acquitted by the courts or not prosecuted by the police or prosecutors.

The Thai government has introduced changes to streamline the criminal record check process, aiming to reduce administrative complexities and enhance public convenience.

Deputy Government Spokesperson Kanika Aunjit announced that, as of August 1st, the Criminal Records Division under the Office of Forensic Science of the Royal Thai Police, has updated the URL for the online criminal record check to from the previous

This change aligns with the 2022 Electronic Government Operations Act, and the 1983 Prime Minister’s Office Regulations on Office Correspondence, amended in 2021. The move to a domain aims to build public trust in the service.

Additionally, the website offers services such as verifying eligibility under the “Erase Records, Clear Crimes, Restore Life” project, targeting individuals acquitted by the courts or not prosecuted by the police or prosecutors.

For fingerprint-based criminal record checks, individuals or companies must bring an official letter for fingerprinting. This service is available at the main office in Bangkok and regional forensic science centers across the country.

Kanika announced that, as of August 1st, the Criminal Records Division under the Office of Forensic Science of the Royal Thai Police, has updated the URL for the online criminal record check to from the previous