Thai International Travel Fair; world tour packages selling well

The 26th Thai International Travel Fair at Muang Thong Thani was hectic with many integrated tour packages being offered.

BANGKOK  – The last day of the 26th Thai International Travel Fair at Muang Thong Thani was hectic with many integrated tour packages being offered.


Tour business operators including travel firms, hotels and airlines opened booths selling tour packages at special prices in an effort to stimulate domestic and international tourism. Customers could directly choose tour packages at the fair. Besides, tour-related convenience equipment has been offered for sale such as internet packages, Wifi packages and travel cards for use in foreign countries.

This year, Asia tour packages especially for Japan, Taiwan and South Korea have drawn the attention of many visitors who have made inquiries and chosen the packages to benefit from the strengthened baht which is making overseas tours less costly.

Domestic tour packages to famous tourist destinations especially in the South have remained popular though not many package tours were booked during the early part of the year, just after the New Year festival.