Thai marine fans and divers collect 1 ton of garbage on beaches and at Koh Yao, Phang-nga

Contributors collected altogether 1,092 kilograms of marine debris including nets, plastic and glass bottles and Styrofoam as well as organic wasteon beaches and in the sea off Koh Yao, Phang-nga.
Contributors collected altogether 1,092 kilograms of marine debris including nets, plastic and glass bottles and Styrofoam as well as organic wasteon beaches and in the sea off Koh Yao, Phang-nga.

Environment enthusiasts collected about 1 ton of garbage on beaches and in the sea off Koh Yao district to protect sea animals.

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About 100 local administrative officials, marine resource officials, tourism operators, conservationists and volunteer divers joined forces to clean beaches on KohKhai islands and nearby seabed in PhruNai sub-district of Koh Yao district. The clean-up activity was aimed at preparing to welcome tourists again as the coronavirus disease 2019 situation was improving. Participants collected altogether 1,092 kilograms of marine debris including nets, plastic and glass bottles and Styrofoam as well as organic waste.

Prathom Rasamee, director of the Marine and Coastal Resources Office 6, said the problem of marine debris needed to be addressed urgently because it had both direct and indirect negative impacts on marine ecosystems, mangrove forests, beaches, coral, seagrasses and tourism.

Marine debris marred the beauty of scenery, reduced the value of tourist destinations and affected sea animals including rare ones. About 2-5% of rare sea animals died after eating marine debris, Mr Prathom said. (TNA)