Thai MP’s second plea for bail rejected


BANGKOK, May 2 – Thailand’s Court of Appeals today turned down a bail request for a government MP jailed for intimidating the Constitution Court’s judges. 

Pheu Thai MP Korkaew Pikulthong, a  key leader of the pro-government Red Shirt movement, had his bail revoked by the Criminal Court for verbally attacking and harassing the country’s judicial system and justices in his public speeches.

He was warned against such behaviour when the Criminal Court granted him bail but he continued his activity during his temporary release.

Mr Korkaew’s political immunity as an MP entitled him to leave prison during the parliamentary session which ended last month.

His request for a second chance of bail was rejected by the Criminal Court.

The MP’s lawyer then petitioned the Appeal Court, claiming that the Criminal Court misinterpreted Mr Korkaew’s public speeches which were made in accord with the constitution.

The Appeals Court ruled that the Pheu Thai MP has not shown any substantial behavioural change that could lead the judge to believe that he would not breach the conditions set by the Criminal Court again.