Bangkok – Groups of Taxi workers and Thai automobile workers handed a request to a committee of labor to file a request to the government seeking support.
Thai Taxi workers handed a request to Mr. Suthep Yoo-on, chairman of the Labor Committee asking for support due to the impact of COVID-19, which is causing a lack of income and inability to meet car installments. The workers asked the committee to discuss support, such as a debt moratorium or installment reduction, with the creditors for a limited time until the situation is better.
There were also the automobile workers asking for 3,500 baht support for 5 months so those who are in section 33 of the Social Security system receive the same as those outside.
The workers also requested that the government allow free trading in and control of the price of household and consumer goods.
According to the labor committee, it has already sent the requests to the government and they were raised as a topic during the parliament meeting. However, the government has yet to define any concrete measures. The committee is currently following up on the requests and hoping the government will soon have a proper plan as it should have a contingency plan for every worker. (NNT)