Thai workforce leaders want better benefits and income among workers

Delegates of the 2021 Labour Day event organizational committee, today submitted requests from the workforce to the Minister of Labour Suchat Chomklin, who will be forwarding these requests to the Prime Minister, in a Labour Day tradition.

It has become a tradition in Thailand for leaders of the workforce to submit their requests to the government on Labour Day. This year, they have asked the government to promote better benefits and income among workers, in order to help improve their quality of life.

Delegates of the 2021 Labour Day event organizational committee, today submitted requests from the workforce to the Minister of Labour Suchat Chomklin, who will be forwarding these requests to the Prime Minister, in a Labour Day tradition.

The requests from the workforce this year include an amendment to the Labour Protection Act; a tax waiver on the last portion of salary before retirement, and an assurance that workers will be reimbursed according to their rights as per the second preferential rights.

The workforce has requested an increase in the pension base to 5,000 baht; equal health benefits among all types of Social Security insured persons; legal protection and skills development for informal workers – including their right to form an organization.

State enterprise workers have asked the government to provide the same level of provident fund cover as that available to government agencies and private companies.

The workers have asked the government to waive the tax on the last portion of their salary from employers, and for the Minister of Labour to set up a committee to follow up on the requests they submitted last year. (NNT)