Thailand addresses urgent need to listen to young people and enhance participation in politics

ThaiHealth Director Nattaya Boonpakdee presented a comprehensive report detailing the myriad of challenges presently affecting young people, as identified in a study conducted last year.

In response to the increasing issues faced by the youth, including drug abuse, violence, mental health deterioration, and financial troubles, government agencies are emphasizing the need to listen to young people and enhance their participation in politics. This approach was highlighted during the “Learn Len Hen Local” event, organized by the Ministry of Interior’s Department of Local Administration (DLA), Thai Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth), and Social Innovation and Youth (SIY) at the TK Palace Hotel & Convention in Bangkok.

During the event, the works of the Children and Youth Council of Thailand (CYCT) were presented, showcasing the government’s efforts in promoting the rights of young people to express their opinions, a right supported by the United Nations Children’s Fund’s Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Parit Wacharasindhu, Chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Political Development, Mass Communications, and Public Participation, recognized the increased political awareness among the youth yet noted the insufficient representation of their voices in societal discourse. He elaborated on the committee’s formal collaboration with entities such as Social Innovation and Youth (SIY) to establish structured and secure environments conducive to youth expression.

ThaiHealth Director Nattaya Boonpakdee also presented a comprehensive report detailing the myriad of challenges presently affecting young people, as identified in a study conducted last year. This report delineated six areas of concern, namely the ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic, economic burdens, a halt in educational advancement, a rise in mental health issues with a possible increase in suicide rates, growing incidences of violence, and a deficit in youth involvement in decision-making processes.

Nattaya underscored the criticality of providing avenues for the youth to participate in activities that resonate with their interests, as well as the imperative of attentively listening to their needs, a strategy she believes is crucial in deriving innovative solutions to address these challenges. (NNT)