Thailand advises patients in home isolation to file insurance claims

Mr. Suthiphon said patients with private insurance coverage can claim for the costs incurred in their COVID-19 treatment, as per their coverage, as well as up to 14 days of a daily cash allowance for customers with an applicable insurance package.

The Office of the Insurance Commission has issued an urgent directive to insurance companies, advising them to accept insurance claims from COVID-19 patients getting treatment at home or at community care centers, without making hospitalization a requirement.

COVID-19 patients with insurance coverage are entitled to their insurance benefits, even without a record of hospitalization.

The Office of the Insurance Commission (OIC) has issued a directive to all insurance companies, saying that patients who opt for the Home Isolation or Community Isolation program, which are treatment arrangements outside of hospitals and intended for patients with mild symptoms, are still eligible to file insurance claims.

The OIC Secretary General Suthiphon Thaveechaiyagarn, said today the resolution is a mutual agreement between the OIC, the Thai Life Assurance Association, and the Thai General Insurance Association.

Patients with private insurance coverage can claim for the costs incurred in their COVID-19 treatment, as per their coverage, as well as up to 14 days of a daily cash allowance for customers with an applicable insurance package.

The directive provides a minimum level of responsibility for insurance firms. The companies may consider providing extra payments beyond these as they deem appropriate. (NNT)