Thailand confirms 740 Omicron infections-489 international arrivals and 251 locals

DrSupakitsaidface masks, social distancing and maintaining personal hygiene, such as through regular handwashing, remained effective in protecting against all COVID-19 variants.

Authorities have confirmed that Thailand now has 740 confirmed cases of the Omicron coronavirus variant, about 34% of which are community infections.

According to DrSupakitSirilak, chief of the Department of Medical Sciences, 489 of the cases were international arrivals while 251 were local transmissions.

He noted, however, that face masks, social distancing and maintaining personal hygiene, such as through regular handwashing, remained effective in protecting against all COVID-19 variants.

The Omicron variant has now been reported in 108 countries worldwide, including all 50 states in the United States, though the Delta variant remains the dominant strain in Thailand. (NNT)