Thailand declares start of rainy season amid drought and scorching summer heat

Some parts of the country have seen cloudy skies, and summer storms. The rainy season can last until mid-October.
Some parts of the country have seen cloudy skies, and summer storms. The rainy season can last until mid-October.

BANGKOK– The rainy season officially begins on Monday with heavy downpours expected in the months of August and September, the Meteorological Department says.

The Department declares the start of the rainy season amid drought and scorching summer heat.  But some parts of the country have seen summer storms and cloudy skies.

Most areas of Thailand will be in the rainy season until mid-October except some areas in the South, the agency says.


Farmers, especially in rice-growing communities have started their season earlier this month.

The agency said light rain was expected to provide insufficient water for farmers in the next two months before stronger downpours in August and September.

In the southern provinces, the Department says, will experience torrential rains due to southwest monsoon from Monday to Wednesday.

Meanwhile, In the northern Phichit province, nearly 100 houses were destroyed by a powerful summer storm that lasted over an hour Monday morning. (TNA)

Nearly 100 houses in the northern Phichit province were destroyed by a powerful summer storm that lasted over an hour Monday morning.
Nearly 100 houses in the northern Phichit province were destroyed by a powerful summer storm that lasted over an hour Monday morning.