Thailand earns more than 900 million from Foreign film production in Q1 this year


BANGKOK – The Department of Tourism disclosed that Thailand earned over 900 million baht in revenue from international film productions in the Kingdom during the first quarter of 2017, thanks to new incentives offered to movie producers.

Tourism Department Director General Wansiri Morakul disclosed that the department projected that Thailand would achieve its goal of generating 3-4 billion baht in revenue from foreign film production this year.

Thailand News - 26-04-17 1 NNT Thailand earns more than 900 million from Foreign film production in Q1 this year

The statistics showed that 239 foreign movies have already been filmed in Thailand from January to March this year. Hollywood is the top customer, generating 161 million baht, followed by Great Britain with 160 million.

The new incentive, effective since January, offers a 15 percent cash rebate for the film producers with local spending over 100 million baht.

Close, a film by an English producer, got the 15 percent rebate with 100 million baht in local spending.

Two movie productions with a combined investment of over 620 million baht are likely to be approved for the rebate in May and the cash rebate may amount to 93 million baht.

She said the department had also launched marketing and promotional campaigns to attract more foreign productions companies to use Thailand as the setting for filming.