Thailand ethanol producers want to terminate gasohol 91, boost E20 usage

Sureeyot said representatives of the association would meet the energy minister and ask him to make gasohol E20 petrol a main choice of petrol available in the country, terminate gasohol 91 petrol and widen the price difference between gasohol E20 and gasohol E95.

The Tapioca Ethanol Association proposes the government liberalize the use of ethanol and terminate gasohol 91 petrol to raise ethanol demand.

Sureeyot Khowsurat, president of the association and managing director of Ubon Bio Ethanol Co, said representatives of the association would meet the energy minister and ask him to make gasohol E20 petrol a main choice of petrol available in the country, terminate gasohol 91 petrol and widen the price difference between gasohol E20 and gasohol E95.

The measures should increase daily ethanol consumption from 4.5 million liters to 6-7 million liters, she said.

Ms Sureeyot said the association already asked the Ministry of Finance to permit ethanol use for industrial and medicinal purposes to replace the import of 70 million liters of alcohol per year. At present, ethanol factories were allowed to supply their products for fuel production only, she said.

“The government’s ongoing efforts to promote electric vehicles will replace gasohol consumption and affect the growers of sugarcane and cassava. So, we propose gasohol 91 petrol be terminated, E20 petrol be a main choice and ethanol use be liberalized. This will boost consumption of the local raw material, benefit the economy and cope with the fluctuation of global oil prices,” said the president of the association. (TNA)