Thailand fights against being ‘trash bin of the world’

Thailand aims to ban plastic waste imports by 2025.

The Government has affirmed its plan to prohibit plastic scrap imports by 2025, following the operational guidelines for waste management and the import of plastic waste, in order not to let Thailand be the ‘trash bin of the world’.

The 14 plastic processing plants currently located in free trade zones would be authorized to import plastic scrap until 2024. This would be carried out in two phases, with the first phase commencing in 2023 to limit the amount of imported scrap, based on actual production capacities. The second phase will begin the year after when just 50% of imports will be permitted, followed by a comprehensive prohibition at all plants in 2025.

For the Plastic Waste Management Action Plan, Phase 2 (2023–2027), there are four goals:
Goal 1: The amount of targeted plastic waste entering landfills will decrease by 100% by 2027;
Goal 2: 100% of targeted plastic products will enter the recycling system by 2027;
Goal 3: Reduce the amount of plastic waste that has a chance to escape into the sea by 50% by 2027;
Goal 4: There will be tools to manage plastic waste better. (PRD)