Thailand joins ‘Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE)’ in implementation phase

Deputy Prime Minister and Energy Minister, Supattanapong Punmeechaow, presided over the opening ceremony of the implementation phase of PAGE in Thailand.

Thailand in 2020 joined the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) in transforming the nation into a driver of sustainability. PAGE supports the greening of Thailand’s economic and social recovery projects funded under the government, through technical assistance and capacity building. The PAGE movement in Thailand recently entered the implementation phase.

Deputy Prime Minister and Energy Minister, Supattanapong Punmeechaow, presided over the opening ceremony of the implementation phase of PAGE in Thailand. The event was hosted by the Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDC) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

The event’s objective is to better inform people about PAGE in Thailand, especially its program to promote green economy and green recovery works during the inception and its upcoming activities.

According to Minister Supattanapong, it is the government’s mission to improve the economic and social well-being of people and the quality of environment in Thailand as well as strengthen the capacity of the country to be adaptive and resilient in the world of technology disruption and pandemic outbreak.

The mission was clearly stated in the 13th National Economic and Social Development Plan, undertaken by the NESDC. One of the key expected outcomes that aligns with PAGE support is sustainable development and climate goals achievement.

In addition, Thailand has also opted for the Bio-Circular-Green Economic Model (BCG) in corresponding with 13th plan to enhance resource efficiency for natural asset, capitalize the country the country’ s strengths in biological diversity and cultural richness, employ technology and innovation to transform to a value-based and innovation-driven economy.

The model implementation is taking account of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, the key principle of Thailand’s social and economic development and conforms to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).