Thailand launches ‘the more you spend, the more you get’ e-voucher cashback scheme

Ms. Kulaya has pointed out that the Finance Ministry is planning to open registration for the “Ying Chai Ying Dai” (the more you spend, the more you get) e-voucher cashback scheme on Monday.

Fiscal Policy Office Director-General Kulaya Tantitemit has pointed out that the Finance Ministry is planning to open registration for the “Ying Chai Ying Dai” (the more you spend, the more you get) e-voucher cashback scheme on Monday.

The registration is open to a maximum of 4 million registrants, focusing on the middle class and high-income earners, aiming to increase local purchasing power. The scheme, costing 28 billion baht, is funded by the 1-trillion-baht emergency loan.

The Ying Chai Ying Dai scheme offers the right to gain cashback e-vouchers for domestic purchases, encouraging people to buy food, products and services at participating shops through the Krungthai Bank Pao Tang mobile banking application.

People can register between 6am-10pm every day. They can start purchasing products or services under the scheme between 6am to 11pm from July 1 to September 30. (NNT)