Thailand launches world’s first reference book in Thai herbs


Bangkok – The Department of Medical Sciences has launched the world’s first reference book on Thai medicinal herbs, in an attempt to lower imports of foreign medicines.

Public Health Minister Dr. Piyasakol Sakolsatayadorn revealed that the book is intended to provide information on alternatives to modern overseas drugs. The book was also published by in honor of His Majesty the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

The reference volume describes the medicinal properties of 70 types of Thai herbs. The department spent two years studying and compiling information on these plants.

The most popular herbs used by Thais are turmeric, green chiretta, and centella. Manufacturers can also use this book as a reference to produce herbal products.

The use of herbal medicines has become so popular that the herb industry generates 14 billion baht per year. To promote the use of Thai herbs, the government has developed the first national herb development plan for 2017-2021.