Thailand moves closer to marriage equality law

The government has indicated that the process of amending the marriage equality law has already been 70% completed, aiming to restore rights to every Thai citizen and return rights that have been taken from the LGBTQ community.

The Thailand Pride Committee and the LGBTQ+ network have submitted a letter to the committee for the consideration of the equal marriage bill to express their gratitude and encouragement for the urgent consideration of the bill on the occasion of Valentine’s Day.

The government has indicated that the process of amending the marriage equality law has already been 70% completed, aiming to restore rights to every Thai citizen and return rights that have been taken from the LGBTQ community.

The marriage equality bill committee said it is proceeding carefully and expects to complete the consideration within the committee stage in another month.

It is anticipated that the draft law will be ready for consideration by the Senate’s agenda in time. The committee recognized that equal marriage is a right that has been deprived from the members of the LGBTQ+ community, pointing out that despite partners living together for many years, they still do not have the right to register their marriage. Therefore, equal marriage must be considered an urgent matter.

Thailand Pride expressed a desire for the government to expedite the consideration of equal marriage to ensure its implementation by the end of this year.

It is expected that the four drafts of the equal marriage bill will create significant progress for Thai law regarding marriage and family, promoting greater gender equality. (NNT)