Thailand promotes use of scientific researches in strengthening the agricultural sector


BANGKOK, 29 March 2013 Thailand is adopting technology in its agricultural system in order to enhance competitiveness of Thailand’s agricultural products. 

The Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (TISTR) held a conference focusing on research and development of soil and fertilizers. It was aimed at finding the right soil and fertilizer for crops in each region. The TISTR is also keen to help educate Thai farmers on how to analyze the soils and crops they are growing. By using the right fertilizers, the TISTR said farmers would not have to waste money purchasing the wrong fertilizers for their crops.

The TISTR has been assigned by the government to conduct researches into agricultural and industrial development of the country and then propagate the knowledge gained to farmers and entrepreneurs so that they will use the scientific and technological information to raise the country’s competitiveness in the international market. Not only the move will enhance the country’s production system, it will also raise incomes for farmers and improve the quality of life of Thai people.