The Government Pharmaceutical Organization (GPO) is stockpiling medicine for treating Covid-19 with more being bought amid the third outbreak which has infected more than 4,000 people.
The GPO has ordered the stockpiling of Favipiravir with the drug now reserved for treating Covid-19 sufferers and being distributed to medical facilities to ensure they receive a constant supply. As of Monday, the GPO had 411,200 Favipiravir tablets in its stock with half a million more on order.
Favipiravir is an antiviral medication used to treat influenza in Japan. It is known for stopping viruses from duplicating and has been used to treat Covid-19. Thailand has been importing Favipiravir, mostly from Japan, to treat Covid-19 patients with moderate to severe symptoms since January last year.
The GPO is also likely to import the Moderna vaccine, although the vaccine has not yet been registered with the FDA. If and when the registration is complete, it is expected to arrive in Thailand in August. (NNT)