The Ministry of Labour is working to address the employment issue which is one of the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis, by assisting the migration of workers from southern border provinces to take up vacant positions in factories in the eastern region.
Mr Suthep Chitayawong, a secretary to the Minister of Labour, together with the Secretary General of the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center (SBPAC) Radm Somkiat Phonprayoon, have held talk with executives of King Pac Industrial Company Limited in Chonburi on a special employment campaign to help persons affected by the COVID-19 crisis.
The Ministry of Labour and the SBPAC, say the campaign focuses primarily on unemployed youth in southern border provinces, giving them job opportunities in other parts of the country through a systematic migration process. The campaign with King Pac follows the success of a similar campaign in Phetchaburi.
Both the Ministry of Labour and the SBPAC expect that the campaign will help address the unemployment issue among southern border youths, and alleviate a lack of workers in the eastern region.
The talks with King Pac on this occasion are to determine the preparedness of the company to start employing and hosting workers from southern border provinces, which is the first step towards initiating the hiring and migration process.