Thailand to allow on-site learning at 10,000 schools commencing Nov 1

The Ministry of Education has issued 5 models for the reopening of schools on November 1, so each area can make use of the one most appropriate to their locality while each school needs to pass the ‘Thai Stop Covid Plus’ assessment and periodically report their statuses via the MOE COVID system.

After a long period of classes being moved online, some 10,000 schools nationwide are set to commence on-site learning while adhering to disease control measures and protocols for incidents of COVID-19.

The Ministry of Education has issued 5 models for the reopening of schools on November 1, so each area can make use of the one most appropriate to their locality. Each school needs to pass the ‘Thai Stop Covid Plus’ assessment and periodically report their statuses via the MOE COVID system.

In the Red Zone disease control areas, 85% of teachers and school personnel must be fully inoculated against COVID-19. In other areas, 85% of teachers and school staff must receive at least one dose of vaccine. There are no vaccination percentage requirements for the student bodies.

The Office of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC) has found that about 10,000 schools have requested to reopen based on a model that will see 100% resumption of on-site classes. Some have requested using a model combining on-site and online learning. However, communicable diseases committees in some provinces are not yet allowing on-site classes to resume on November 1. Schools in these areas will instead reopen on November 15.

The Ministry of Education has stipulated that all students and teachers must be evaluated via the ‘Thai Save Thai’ criteria, for a school to reopen. Random COVID-19 tests using ATK kits will be implemented at schools, while activities that involve crowding are to be avoided and the number of students in normal classes is to be capped at 25.

OBEC Secretary-General Amporn Pinasa said every school must conform to COVID-19 prevention measures. He added that students who wish to study online instead may do so, even when their schools are ready for 100% on-site reopening. (NNT)