Thailand to be pushed to enter Top 10 ‘Ease of Doing Business’ Index


BANGKOK, Sept 2 – Thailand’s Ministry of Commerce is to push Thailand into the top ten ranks of World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index.

Deputy Commerce Minister Siriwat Kajornprasart said the Department of Business Development was assigned to manage the matter in accord with the government’s policy to strengthen the domestic economy with improved business governance so that the country is more attractive for business operations.

Thailand is currently positioned 19th in the Ease of Doing Business Index, ranking economies from 1 to 183, with first place being the best.

According to the World Bank, a high ranking means the regulatory environment is conducive to business operations.

Strategies leading to the new target, being in the Top Ten, is so that the government will reduce complicated procedures and improve its online services in order to become an e-government.

In order to achieve the goal, government services are to expand to other provinces in all economic sectors, while Thai entrepreneurs, including small- and medium-sized entreprises (SMEs) should be promoted for business quality and management innovation.

Mr Siriwat said business governance, the understanding of law, and law enforcement are key, while Business Development Department must closely monitor entrepreneurs’ management and build a balance between businesses belonging to Thais and to foreigners.