Thailand to host APEC SOM2 at Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok May 9-19

As #APEC2022THAILAND host, Thailand is steaming ahead to host the 2nd APEC Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM2) and related meetings to continue driving forward APEC 2022’s priorities under the theme “Open. Connect. Balance.”

Thailand to host the 2nd APEC Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM2) during 9-19 May 2022, at the Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok

As #APEC2022THAILAND host, Thailand is steaming ahead to host the 2nd APEC Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM2) and related meetings to continue driving forward APEC 2022’s priorities under the theme “Open. Connect. Balance.”

The key focus still remains on navigating the Asia-Pacific region through the post-COVID-19 economic recovery that ensures open and dynamic trade and investment, safe and seamless cross-border connectivity and sustainable economic growth based on the BCG Economy model, while also seeking to address new economic disruptions faced by th region and globally.

The 11-day meetings will seek to further advance the three key objectives;
A refreshed conversation on the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP)

Reconnecting the region safely and seamlessly

To accelerate APEC’s work on sustainability through the BCG Economy concept