Thailand to reclaim ancient artifacts from New York’s Met Museum

The handover will take place on May 20th, at the National Museum Bangkok.

Kanika Aunjit, Deputy Government Spokesperson, announced that the Cabinet has approved the Ministry of Culture, through the Fine Arts Department, to receive two ancient artifacts: a bronze sculpture of Shiva known as “The Standing Shiva” or “Golden Boy” and a sculpture of a kneeling female from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in the United States.

The handover will take place on May 20th, at the National Museum Bangkok.

The Fine Arts Department coordinated with the Metropolitan Museum of Art, represented by John Guy, the museum’s curator, to negotiate the details of the artifact return. Both parties agreed to sign a formal agreement after the handover, officially returning the artifacts to Thailand.

One of the reclaimed artifacts, the Shiva sculpture, holds historical significance and has clear evidence of being illicitly excavated from the Prasart Ban Yang archaeological site in Buriram province.

This successful negotiation and cooperation between the Fine Arts Department and the Metropolitan Museum of Art marks a significant achievement in repatriating valuable artifacts to Thailand, allowing the Thai people to study and appreciate their cultural heritage.

The official handover ceremony will be attended by officials from the Fine Arts Department and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The returned artifacts will be preserved and displayed for public education and awareness of Thailand’s historical heritage. (NNT)