Thailand’s ASEAN Director-General: citizens must be allowed to participate in regional policymaking


BANGKOK, 25 August 2015 – The Director-General of the Department of ASEAN Affairs says Thailand must be ready for various changes and challenges following the ASEAN integration.

The Director-General delivered a speech on the challenges that face Thailand after the ASEAN integration, saying in 10 years’ time ASEAN policy will greatly dictate the well-being of the citizens of member nations and, therefore, citizens must be given the opportunity to participate in regional policymaking.

Pakorn Nilprapunt, Permanent Law Councillor of the Office of the Council of State said member nations must place more importance on regional benefits and should reduce its military budgets in order for it to be reallocated towards programs that aid the poor. Regional security would instead be developed through cooperation of regional security policies, particularly on counter-terrorism.