Thailand’s ‘Bad Student Group’ skips whole week online school in protest of curricula adjustment

During the school-skipping protest, the group demanded the Education Ministry reduce performance indicators, studying hours and workloads on students and teachers and adjust curricula to suit the present educational circumstance.

The Bad Student Group told followers to skip online school from Sept 6 to 10 as an act of demonstration while demanding the government and the Education Ministry solve online education problems.

During the school-skipping protest, the group demanded the Education Ministry reduce performance indicators, studying hours and workloads on students and teachers and adjust curricula to suit the present educational circumstance.

The group also demanded the Education Ministry assign experts to take care of the mental health of students who, it said, were more stressed with online education, provide channels for students to report problems and solve problems effectively.

The Education Ministry must provide all schools with online teaching equipment and internet connection and adequately offer financial assistance, the group said.

It also urged the ministry to arrange for free education as required by the constitution to limit the number of the students who had to drop out of school.

Besides, the government must acquire COVID-19 vaccines with high efficacy for students, educational personnel and general people and clearly reveal information about vaccine procurement, the Bad Student Group said. (TNA)