Thailand’s Chulabhorn Royal Academy to conclude bookings for Sinopharm vaccine on Friday

Since June 14, 10,000 organizations booked via, creating a demand for supplies in excess of 3.6 million doses, Chulabhorn Royal Academy stated.

Friday, June 18, is going to be the last day organizations are able to book the Sinopharm vaccine imported by the Chulabhorn Royal Academy.

Since June 14, 10,000 organizations booked via, creating a demand for supplies in excess of 3.6 million doses.

In addition, the Academy Facebook page posted that from June 16, the academy will no longer allow buyers to change any booking information. So before confirming the booking, organizations must be sure the information is correct.

Once again, bookings will end on Friday June 18 at 4PM, so organizations interested in having their people vaccinated with Sinopharm may need to hurry to make their booking. (NNT) Related story: Pattaya buys 100,000 Sinopharm vaccine doses to supplement paltry government supply.