Thailand’s next general election expected on May 7, 2023

The office stated that it initially set the next general election on May 7 next year because the House would serve its term on March 23, 2023, and Section 102 of the constitution required the next general election within 45 days after the term expiry.

The next general election will tentatively occur on May 7, 2023, unless the House is dissolved, according to the Office of the Election Commission (EC).

The office stated that it initially set the next general election on May 7 next year because the House would serve its term on March 23, 2023, and Section 102 of the constitution required the next general election within 45 days after the term expiry.

MP candidates will register their candidacy from April 3 to 7, 2023. Poll units, poll booths and the names of eligible voters will be announced within April 11, 2023. Early election was set on April 30 and the eligible voters who will not be able to cast their vote must report their reasons within this same date.

If the House is dissolved, the EC must schedule the next general election at least 45 days after the dissolution and not later than 60 days after the dissolution in compliance with Section 103 of the constitution. Besides, the EC must announce the general election date and the period for MP candidates’ application within five days after the House dissolution. (TNA)