Thailand sets up water management forward commands in 4 regions for rapid floods response

Gen. Prawit has chaired a National Water Command (NWC) joint meeting with relevant agencies at Government House, and in his capacity as NWC director, he ordered relevant agencies to follow up on the situation during the current rainy season.

Water management forward commands will now be set up in four regions of Thailand to ensure a rapid and effective response to floods. The forward command centers of the National Water Command will also perform the task of relaying relevant information to the public.

Deputy Prime Minister Gen. Prawit Wongsuwon has chaired a National Water Command (NWC) joint meeting with relevant agencies at Government House. In his capacity as NWC director, Gen. Prawit ordered relevant agencies to follow up on the situation during the current rainy season. The amount of rainfall is expected to be greater than usual and floods may occur in some areas. Therefore, relevant agencies have been told to strictly implement measures that have been devised so floods may be mitigated.

The NWC meeting endorsed the structure and operational model of NWC forward commands that would enable fast and effective operations. The work of the forward commands is being split into 3 categories. The first, the administrative category, involves analysis of information, assessment of situations, and issuance of warnings. Work in this category also includes making reports and providing suggestions to a forward command director. The second category has to do with operations and response, as well as coordination of manpower, equipment, and plans for flood prevention and mitigation. The third category is labeled “support” and involves communications and public relations and the use of systems available from flood-related agencies.

Gen. Prawit told those at the meeting to proceed with setting up forward commands in the Northern, Central, Northeastern and Southern regions. He said special attention is currently needed over the water situation in the Northern, Central, and Northeastern regions.

On top of the NWC meeting, Gen. Prawit also presided over a remote meeting of the subcommittee for the administration of water resources. The subcommittee considered adjusting the water discharge rate at Chao Phraya dam. The meeting resolved the discharge rate might be increased as necessary to prepare the dam for water influx during periods of heavy rains.(NNT)