Thais extend help, compassion to those hit hard by COVID-19 pandemic

House Speaker, Chuan Leekpai (center in white shirt) among Members of Parliament and people in Bangkok communities.
House Speaker, Chuan Leekpai (center in white shirt) among Members of Parliament and people in Bangkok communities.

BANGKOK – Thai people have shown compassion for each other in this time of crisis, by donating essential items to underprivileged people and those seriously affected by the pandemic.

House Speaker Chuan Leekpai has donated 28,800 cartons of milk via district representatives to handicapped children, orphans, families living in poverty, and children in the three southern border provinces affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

A Palang Pracharath Party MP Sira Jenjaka has visited Kheha Community in Thung Song Hong subdistrict of Bangkok, to meet with bedridden patients in the community. He has gathered input on the difficulties facing villagers, and delivered relief bags and funds to help community residents.

Alumni from the Army Transportation Engineering School have packed dried food and drinking water onto trucks, delivering it to residents of Wat Bang Community in Nonthaburi. They have set up distribution points, where all operations comply with precautionary measures from the Ministry of Public Health.

Mr Pariwat Chanla, the village headman of Ban Moo 6 in Sriracha district of Chonburi has sought out villagers along with his deputies to deliver 400 sets of relief bags, with dried food, and face masks for senior citizens, bedridden patients, and community residents. Most of the items in relief bags are essential to daily life. (NNT)