Thais warned taking cannabis into Japan, Vietnam, South Korea and Indonesia

Nations including Japan, Vietnam, and Indonesia have already asked travelers not to bring cannabis or hemp with them while the Royal Thai Embassy in South Korea has warned travelers from Thailand not to bring the herbs into South Korea, including plant parts or products containing extracts.

Thai nationals are being reminded not to have cannabis or hemp in their possession when traveling abroad, as they can face severe penalties – including the capital punishment – in nations where the herbs are still considered narcotics.

Travelers who use the plants for medical purposes are encouraged to review relevant laws and regulations in their destination countries ahead of time.

Nations including Japan, Vietnam, and Indonesia have already asked travelers not to bring cannabis or hemp with them.

The Royal Thai Embassy in South Korea has warned travelers from Thailand not to bring the herbs into South Korea, including plant parts or products containing extracts.

Travelers found with these items can face imprisonment, deportation and a lifetime entry ban.(NNT)