Three rounds of parliamentary voting set for Pita’s PM bid

Pichet said he did not know the exact number of senators who will vote for the MFP leader, however, their intentions appear to be positive in ensuring the successful formation of the government for the progress of the nation.

Three rounds of parliamentary voting can be called to decide on the nomination of the Move Forward Party’s leader Pita Limjaroenrat as the new prime minister, said Deputy House Speaker Pichet Chuamuangphan.

If Mr. Pita fails to secure the required support in the first round of voting scheduled on July 13, there will be the second round on July 19 and the third round on July 20. It is expected that within these three days, the country will have a new prime minister, he said.

If the three designated rounds fail to select the new prime minister, it will depend on the parliament and eight-party coalition allies that are bound by the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) what they will do next. The issue will be discussed internally and he believes that it will not pose a problem.

Mr. Pichet said he did not know the exact number of senators who will vote for the MFP leader. However, their intentions appear to be positive in ensuring the successful formation of the government for the progress of the nation.

Mr Pita needs to secure 376 votes or more than half of 750 members of both lower house and upper house to become the 30th prime minister. (TNA)