Tight security planned ahead of new school term in the South


YALA, 16 May 2014 – Yala Governor Dejrat Simsiri has instructed provincial officials to step up security measures for teachers and Buddhist people ahead of the opening of a new school term. 

The Governor reiterated the policy to representatives of the combined security forces comprising the military, police and civil servants at their meeting yesterday. Governor Dejrat also instructed tightened security particularly during two major events, namely the celebration of the City Pillar and the annual Red Cross fair. Extra protection measures will be provided for teachers traveling across districts.

Meanwhile, the recent bombing of Yala-Sungai Kolok rail tracks has forced authorities to reroute the train between the two stations, leaving numerous passengers to cancel their trips. As for passengers in Narathiwat wishing to go to Bangkok, they are requested to take a bus to Yala station to catch a train to the capital.

Vendors at the Yala station complained that they lose substantial amount of income each time the attack on rail tracks was carried out.

In a related development, Hat Yai train station has stepped up security measures, increasing troops patrolling the passenger terminal and on train wagons, in their bids to ensure safety for the passengers. Officials claimed that the number of train commuters in Hat Yai was still high, thanks to convenient access and low ticket prices.